Saturday, August 22, 2009


I'm not updating very frequently at the moment because there simply isn't much that's newsworthy on my end.

This week flew by...I can't believe it's the weekend again. I'm over halfway done with my course, which is nice. The fun part of the work is practicing lesson plans - it makes me excited to start teaching actual classes.

I've been having fun grocery shopping and cooking for myself - the farmer's markets are simply incredible, and they happen four times a week...I'm sure I have a picture of one somewhere....
Ah! Here we go. This is the Wednesday market:

You can't quite tell how large it is from this picture, but it spans the entire main city square of Tübingen, and is especially packed on Fridays.

Vendors sell produce, meat, eggs, bread, flowers, and randoms things like noodles at these

Shopping for food is a multi-step process here. You buy non-perishables from a grocery store, you buy produce from the Farmer's Market, you buy bread from bakeries, and meat from butchers. Everything is quite cheap compared to the US - especially produce, meat, and beer.

It's so loud here! During the day, the streets are crowded, and during the night it never really quiets down - there's always activity on the streets. It makes it kind of hard to sleep, but I'm
getting used to it. It's going to be way worse when the semester starts - the Germans are still on their vacation. month of limbo is drawing to a close... I'll be done with my course in less than two weeks, be going to London in three weeks, start language classes in four weeks, and start working around that time as well.

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